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The Bank does not conduct telemarketing calls to non-customers to solicit personal loan business nor appoint any third party to carry out such activities.

Important Security Notice
  1. Our bank NEVER send e-mails that ask customers to provide their account number, password or any personal information or verify their accounts online.
  2. Customers are reminded NOT to access their Net Banking service through hyperlinks embedded in any e-mails or Internet search engines.
  3. Customers are reminded NOT to use easy-to-guess password such as ID number, date of birth, telephone number or repetitive numbers as your password and change your password regularly.
  4. This site uses 256 bit SSL encryption to secure and protect all personal information contained in online transactions between Public Bank (Hong Kong) and our customers.
  5. Install firewall and virus detection software on your computer and update them regularly to protect your computer against virus and hackers.

Learn more about Electronic Banking Security